Articles Tagged with ''precision ag''


No-Till Tradition, Passion For Change Fuel Miller Farms

Wisconsin no-tillers make use of cover crops, gypsum, winter wheat and precision ag to enhance soil biology and bump up no-till yields.
Five years ago, Nick and Luke Miller returned to Miller Farms near Oconomowoc, Wis., bringing with them a passion for change that works well with the no-till tradition their father, Bob, began 16 years ago.
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No-Till Notes

Take Soil Samples With Precision Ag In Mind

Define variability and create a plan with the help of an agronomist to maximize fertilizer efficiency and profits.
With precision ag technology available to spread fertilizer at variable rates, soil testing is essential to make fertilizer prescriptions. Soil tests will give a basis for fine-tuning fertilizer and manure inputs so they are used cost effectively on your farm
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What’s The Payback On Precision Ag?

Researcher studies the value of lightbars, universal and integrated auto-steering and seed row shutoff clutches, as well other intangibles of precision technology
It makes sense to scrutinize the financial returns of precision ag technology costs, says Matt Darr, an Iowa State University ag engineer. But Darr says farmers continually remind him about the intangible benefits of using these tools that in many cases are just as important as dollars-and-cents justification.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Intensive Nutrient Management Boosts Profits

Nebraska no-tiller John Niemeyer says modifying his fertilizer delivery system, improving pH and using compost manure has transformed no-till corn into his most profitable crop
One of my first jobs out of college after I received a degree in business from the University of North Dakota was a fortunate choice. During the several years I worked for a professional consulting agronomist, I had the opportunity to see a lot of different crop-production systems throughout eastern Nebraska, western Iowa and northeastern Kansas.
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No-Till Notes

Adopt Precision Ag Tools One Step At A Time

After purchasing precision equipment, make sure you collect the necessary data to properly use and profit from the technology
While percision AG tools may not be “new” anymore, many producers aren’t utilizing the technology to its fullest. Many farmers tell me they have 5 to 6 years of yield maps, but they don’t know what to do with them.
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5 Money-Saving Tips For No-Tillers

Lowering soybean seeding rates and scrutinizing phosphate and potash applications top Marion Calmer’s list on how to save more than $100 per acre
With 25 years of onfarm research backing him up, Marion Calmer told 789 attendees at this year’s National No-Tillage Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, that there are five ways no-tillers can shave expenses without hurting grain production.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Sharing No-Till Benefits Around The Globe

A no-tiller, world-traveler and philanthropist, Howard Buffet takes no-till practices to third-world countries to bring hope to the hungry.
Howard Buffett and his son Howard Jr. share interest in no-till practices, photography and the need to meet the food demands of a growing world.
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Using Precision Ag To Unlock Higher No-Till Yields

You can earn an extra $5.20 extra per acre by using variable rate seeding with new precision management tools.
To feed future generations, no-tillers will need to find new ways to increase productivity while conserving current and future resources, says Darian Landolt, a researcher in CNH Global’s Product Management Innovation Group at Maple Park, Ill. Most importantly, he maintains that these objectives must be sustainable.
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