Articles Tagged with ''jack zemlicka''


Fertilizer Tweaks, Equipment Updates Yield More Success For Strip-Tillers

A commitment to strip-till and ongoing nitrogen application trials and timing reward Illinois strip-tillers Dan and Trent Sanderson
When transitioning to strip-till, farmers may gradually adopt the practice, testing the system on a small number of acres and then expanding once they begin to see the benefits.
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‘Wearable Technology’ Could Reshape Farm Decisions

Google Glass shows promise for hands-free crop scouting, machinery maintenance and training farm employees, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all platform — at least for now.
When scouting corn and soybean plants on his family’s 1,300-acre farm near Higginsville, Mo., no-tiller Garrett Riekhof will document insect damage or leaf discoloration to share with his off-site agronomist and solicit feedback.
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Trial And Error Leads To Strip-Till Success

Switching to 30-inch corn, and experimentation with cover crops and strip-tilled soybeans, is showing a promising payback for Indiana strip-tiller Jason Wykoff.
With the majority of their acres dedicated to seed corn, a crop that requires intense management, strip-tiller Jason Wykoff and his wife, Gretchan, can’t afford to waste time and money on unnecessary field passes.
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No-Till And Strip-Till: The Best Of Both Worlds

Precision technology, cover crops and innovative equipment are helping Indiana no-tiller and strip-tiller Mike Shuter and sons get the most out of two different conservation-tillage systems.
The 1980s were difficult times for farmers, and it was no different for Mike Shuter and his family. Hoping to make due with less, they looked to no-till to reduce fuel, labor and expenses, with the hope of maintaining yields.
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