Under the best of conditions, the demands placed on equipment tires used in traditional ag operations are brutal: excellent traction in all kinds of conditions; minimum soil compaction regardless of application; improved fuel efficiency whether pulling a fertilizer applicator or combining corn.
When strip-tilling, it is essential to have the proper planting depth and use trash whippers to move remaining residue off the row area. I also recommend a split application of nitrogen and the use of readily available nitrogen sources such as UAN or ammonium nitrate.
Ray McCormick has been profitably growing corn on corn without the disease and insect outbreaks that threaten to keep many no-tillers in their standard rotations.
Ray McCormick earns a living through good land stewardship. He operates a peach orchard, maintains about 1,000 acres of woods on his property and builds wetlands and mitigation sites for other landowners.
It's an understatement to say that we’ve had a lot of publicity since harvest of 2006, when the word got out that my farm had placed first or second in three categories of the National Corn Growers Association yield contest (including a first-place 347.26 bushels per acre in a no-till irrigated class) and also weighed out a world-record soybean yield of 139 bushels per acre with conventional tillage.
An innovative approach that offers major Farm Bill conservation and environmental benefits is really built around tripling the current no-till acreage.
Since the 1980s, Ray McCormick has seen that the major benefits of no-till include saving fuel, curbing erosion, building soil organic matter, boosting wildlife numbers and protecting the environment for future generations.
No-tillers are keenly aware of the benefits that cover crops can provide to their soil, yet a recent survey funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture indicates that cover crop usage lags.
A common question often asked about no-till is whether any nutrient stratification occurs due to a lack of soil mixing. Many no-tillers wonder if stratification is a problem for effective crop access to soil nutrients.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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