Articles Tagged with ''nutrient''


20 Ways To Build Better No-Till Soils

World-renowned soil scientist and Rhizoterra co-founder Jill Clapperton shares tips and insights about no-tilled soils that could help growers lower their productivity costs and increase yields.
While the purpose behind modern no-tilling can sometimes get lost in the machinations of fertilizers, machines and GPS signals, Jill Clapperton offered as a simple example of how crop residue fuels no-till systems.
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Diversity, Technology Boost Fertility Use, Crop Performance

Working in the Lake Erie watershed with heavy clay soils, no-tillers Les and Jerry Seiler are increasing productivity with their dedication to no-till, crop diversity and precision technology.
There are approximately 60 different soil types in Fulton County, and brothers Les and Jerry Seiler say they no-till crops in about 37 of them.
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cover crop mix

Cracking The Code On No-Till Plant Diversity

Little is known about the organic compounds plants use for nutrient uptake and defense, but farmers can make these chemicals work for them by establishing a diverse no-till system.
No-till practices don’t just save labor, fuel and machinery costs, but benefit the mysterious biological world beneath the soil surface that can have a big impact on plant health and yields.
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The Dangers Of Applying Fertilizers And Manure To Frozen Ground

Some producers are taking advantage of frozen ground conditions to apply nitrogen to wheat fields or manure to corn fields. While this practice reduces the risk of compaction or rutting of fields, there are other factors to consider. Applications to frozen ground are at higher risk for runoff and loss of those nutrients.
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