With hundreds of no-tillers looking on, Bryan Young showed no-tillers last winter some PowerPoint slides that spelled out a troubling end game: In state after state, glyphosate-resistant weeds have been winning the battle for crop acres.
Nearly every year, farmers ask how to calculate damages caused to no-till fields by utility construction or maintenance projects so reimbursement can be requested.
When no-tillers have problems maximizing yields, the cause can often be traced back to the start of the growing season, when no-till drills and air seeders started making their passes.
Exactrix manufacturer Guy Swanson and farmers recently shared tips and observations that could help no-tillers achieve better seeding results with no-till air drills, including the John Deere 1890 air drill.
An all-time record crowd took in 4 days of no-till knowledge, tips and discussion as the National No-Tillage Conference celebrated its 20th annual event last month.
Had Dave Nielsen simply accepted the early tales of frustration he heard, no-till might not have become the dominant practice on his dryland farm. Instead, he decided to place more trust in early no-till innovators and university experts in his area.
Conversation is more than a buzzword in northwest Ohio, and Gary Mavis and his son, Scott, are turning their no-till farming operation into a showcase.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, longtime no-tiller Jim Leverich explains why 20-inch corn rows are paying off big time on his Sparta, Wis., farm.
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