Articles Tagged with ''yield''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Constantly Building On No-Till Success

South Dakota farmers Pat and Chris Breen take no-till practices that work a step farther to maximize the benefits.
I've had 25 years to refine my no-till system, but I’m nowhere near settling into a comfortable groove. My philosophy is to keep pushing my system to get more yield, use my inputs more efficiently and make life easier for myself and my son, Chris, who farms with me.
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Cover Crops Power No-Till Payoff

From conservation to higher yields to reduced fertilizer and herbicide use, cover crops brought an immediate payback for Jacob Farms.
Last summer, when high temperatures in south-central Kansas spiraled above 100 F for several weeks, the benefits of cover crops never seemed so real for no-tillers like Ryan Speer.
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Late Planting Not Always Doom To Corn Yields

While late planting concerns may cause some growers to reconsider planting corn, an Ohio State University Extension specialist says producers can make management adjustments that can preserve yield potential and save money.
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Vigilance Warranted In Soybean Cyst Nematode Management

Soybean cyst nematodes have the potential to cause devastating yield losses, population densities can increase very rapidly within a single growing season, and dormant eggs can survive for more than a decade in infested soils in the absence of soybeans.
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Weeds Rob Nitrogen From Crops

An MSU timing study on post-emergent weed control in corn showed that 95 percent of weed control or better can be achieved when weeds are 9 inches tall, but yields were reduced 25 bushels per acre.
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