Source: By Nathan Mueller, South Dakota State University
There has been a renewed interest in taking samples of soybean leaves for nutrient analysis as a quality control tool to ensure soil and the fertilizer programs are meeting the needs of the plant to eliminate nutrients as a yield limiting factor.
This springs cool, wet weather is making it difficult for Iowa farmers to plant their soybeans and making it easier for a well-known pest to affect this years crop. Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), a soil-borne fungus, is a disease that is highly dependent on the weather and the resistance level of the planted soybean varieties.
After the “7 Wonders Of The Corn-Yield World” challenged status-quo thinking about corn, researchers Fred Below and Jason Haegele are breaking new ground with the secret sauce for doubling soybean yields.
Three years ago, Stark City, Mo., farmer Kip Cullers set the world record for soybean yields at 160 bushels an acre, nearly four times the average soybean field in the U.S.
Nearly 80% of Americans believe temperatures are definitely on the rise. Yet, very few members of the general public understand the key role that no-tillage will play in battling global warming over the next 90 years.
Nearly 80% of Americans believe temperatures are definitely on the rise. Yet, very few members of the general public understand the key role that no-tillage will play in battling global warming over the next 90 years.
The increased yields from improved soil drainage and long waits to get tile installed presents no-tillers with a new opportunity for a sideline enterprise.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, longtime no-tiller Jim Leverich explains why 20-inch corn rows are paying off big time on his Sparta, Wis., farm.
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