Articles Tagged with ''barley''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Milestones Mark Path To No-Till On Family Farm

Innovative terraces and early experiences with the benefits of residue-covered soil pointed to the advantages that no-tilling would deliver to the Wahling family acreage.D
OUR farm in southwestern Iowa has been a leader in soil conservation since the “dirty” 1930s. My father was one of the first individuals to install field terraces on our highly erodible land to slow water runoff and save the topsoil. We’ve kept a copy of the Des Moines Sunday Register from October 1968 that describes how Dad (Edgar Wahling) and I constructed the first push-up grassed-backslope terrace in the United States.
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Tackling Small Grain Pest Concerns

Tech reps from Bayer CropScience and Syngenta Crop Protection outline new no-till small grain pesticide management strategies.
Having invested in the latest sprayer technologies, cereal grain growers are gearing up to do a better job of applying pesticides — starting this fall with winter wheat.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Management Duties And Profits Both Rise In Move To No-Tilling

Switching to no-till doesn’t necessarily mean more free time, but you will trade iron and tractor time for a thinking cap and a fatter wallet.
When people ask me for a quick answer to justify shifting to no-tillage, the best one I can come up with is this: Yield is not measured in bushels or tons per acre. Yield is measured in net dollars per acre. No-tilling equals more dollars in the bank.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Longer No-Till Rotations Were The Answer

No-till offers greater yield advantages in dryer years because it provides about 2 inches of extra soil moisture at seeding time.
Over the years since my dad started no-tilling in 1978, we’ve had a lot to learn — and not much of a growing season to learn it in. On our extreme northern farm that is less than 30 miles south of the Canadian border, we’re lucky to get 90 to 110 frost-free days, creating a situation not unlike Siberia (our average January temperature is minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit). This year we even had snow on May 11.
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No-Till “Shines” When The Sun Swipes Valuable Moisture

Moisture conservation may be the key to reducing disease since moisture-stressed wheat is more susceptible to infection.
With a one-pass operation that places seed and fertilizer into an otherwise undisturbed seedbed and packs the furrow, no-till systems shine when it comes to both better yields and disease control, says Andy Lenssen, a Montana State University entomologist.
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29 Solid Ideas For No-Tilling Success

Check out these valuable ideas from eight Washington and Idaho no-tillers to help you no-till better in the future.
Plenty of valuable ideas that you can use to make no-till even more profitable in your operation came out of presentations by eight veteran growers at last winter’s Northwest Direct Seed Intensive Cropping Conference in Pasco, Wash. These farmers rely on no-till to turn available moisture into higher, more profitable yields.
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Frank Comments

A New Role For Bt Corn

On droughty soils in the southeastern region of the country, agronomists are suggesting a continuous double-crop no-till rotation. Many growers plant small grain followed by soybeans and then rotate to corn or cotton the following year.
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