No-tillers at the National Farm Machinery Show 2020 got the first glimpse of several new technologies to improve planting and dealing with cover crops.
Six No-Till Farmer representatives from Lessiter Media attended the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville in mid-February to scout out the latest developments in the North American agriculture machinery market. The 4-day event attracted more than 70,000 people checking out the latest advancements in farm equipment.
Attorneys representing Kinze Mfg. filed motions asking a federal judge to stop Deere & Co. from trying to access a variety of internal documents about the company, reports The Des Moines Register.
The carts have a front-folding corner auger design and an adjustable spout that has a 42-degree range of motion for control of grain flow and precise placement.
Mike Gryp, district sales manager for Kinze Mfg., discusses the benefits of no-till practices vs. conventional tillage, and maintenance aspects of the company’s no-till planting machines that farmers should keep in mind.
14 Companies to Support 2016 Event That’s Returning to Indianapolis for 7th Time
June 3, 2015
The publishers of No-Till Farmer and Conservation Tillage Guide have secured the full lineup of company sponsors for the 24th annual National No-Tillage Conference next January in Indianapolis. The largest think-tank of no-tillers in the nation will take over the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown for 4 days from Jan. 6-9, 2016.
Planting and seeding efficiency, residual herbicides and precision agriculture were among the highlights of the 2014 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa.
A contingent of No-Till Farmer editors descended on the recent 2014 Farm Progress Show to learn about the latest machines and inputs that could help boost yields and profits for no-tillers.
The global push to increase crop production and keep pace with population projections underlines the importance for no-tillers to make every seed count.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, we head inside Commodity Classic 2025. USDA Secretary Brooke Rollins promises a standing-room-only crowd rapid action and support from her agency to help get the industry on its feet this year.
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