Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the USDA is seeking new proposals for cutting-edge projects that will provide new conservation opportunities through its competitive Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) program.
Longtime educator for the Panhandle No-Till Alliance shares gratitude to agriculture influencers, industry leaders and readers for helping no-till thrive in the Great Plains.
Earlier this month, about 170 people attended the Farming Evolution no-till conference in Holyoke, Colo., where attendees covered a number of topics related to no-till practices, cover cropping and soil health principles.
Douglas Poole discusses how no-till practices, and some help from the NRCS' EQIP program, are helping him raise canola, sunflowers and spring crops in a part of Washington that only sees 7-9 inches of annual moisture.
While it’s clear cover crops have plenty to offer in revitalizing farms on the Great Plains, there is still a lot of apprehension among growers about how covers might affect crop insurance eligibility in those fields.
During his 30 years of working with USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Ray McCormick has made many trips to his local field office. However, now that he has a Conservation Client Gateway account, Ray can replace most of those trips with a few clicks of the mouse.
To be eligible to receive many USDA benefits, including loans and federal crop insurance premium subsidies, growers must comply with requirements for highly erodible lands and wetlands.
The Cover Crop Economic Decision Support Tool helps growers, landowners and others make informed decisions when considering whether to use cover crops.
New enrollments for the Conservation Stewardship Program will be accepted through Feb. 27, 2015. The program is designed to reward farmers, ranchers and foresters for maintaining existing conservation, and also the adoption of additional conservation measures.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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