Selecting the most appropriate hybrids and varieties can vastly improve profitability on your farm. But this decision can be difficult because there are so many options.
With 32 years experience no-tilling corn and 29 years no-tilling soybeans, western Ohio farmer Jim Longenecker has given a great deal of thought to what he wants in a hybrid for no-till.
Just down the road from the machine shed of Pennville, Ind., strip-tiller Shane Houck, a tan boulder stands halfway between the edge of the cornfield and the county blacktop. Cut into the top of the rock is the inscription, “Houck Homestead Farm 1838.”
With nearly 7,200 acres, including 3,500 acres of corn, along the Missouri-Iowa border, Gary Porter has taken many opportunities to test and incorporate different practices into his cropping operation.
In selling its eight-trait SmartStax corn hybrids, Monsanto is not only competing with competitors’ hybrids, but also its own triple-stacked hybrids, says Brett Begemann, the company’s executive vice president for seeds and traits.
Several recent developments in the pesticide area represent disturbing examples of how the environmentalists pay little attention to scientific facts. As a result, several pesticides and genetically modified organism (GMO) corn hybrids are under increased fire from lawyers and governmental agencies that could impact no-tillers.
Several recent developments in the pesticide area represent disturbing examples of how the environmentalists pay little attention to scientific facts. As a result, several pesticides and genetically modified organism (GMO) corn hybrids are under increased fire from lawyers and governmental agencies that could impact no-tillers.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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