Articles Tagged with ''RTK''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Nudging Closer To A Never-Till System

Wendte brothers bring differing career experiences together to take on a tough no-till challenge in the flat, black soils of central Illinois.
I was pleased when the Illinois Department of Agriculture reported in late 2006 that no-till acres in the state had, for the first time, exceeded the number of conventionally tilled acres.
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The No-Till Target: Efficient Fertilizer Placement

How and where you apply your fertilizer — and in what form — can make a big impact on your no-till yields.
What producer doesn’t want to make the most efficient use of their fertilizer dollars? But more than ever, no-tillers are looking for ways to slash fertilizer costs while maximizing corn, soybean and wheat yields, says Phil Needham.
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Why They Strip-Till... And What They’ve Picked Up

Five strip-tillers explain the benefits of this system in their operations.
A growing number of farmers are switching to strip-till for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s to warm up soils that remain cold for too long in the spring, to trim input costs, to reduce compaction, improve drainage or other reasons, strip-till is getting a closer look these days.
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