Widespread planting of genetically modified Bt corn in the upper Midwest has significantly reduced losses from European corn borer damage. Even growers that don’t plant transgenic corn have benefitted from neighboring use of these products.
Widespread planting of genetically modified Bt corn in the upper Midwest has significantly reduced losses from European corn borer damage. Even growers that don’t plant transgenic corn have benefitted from neighboring use of these products.
Source: Aaron Saeugling, Iowa State University Extension Field Agronomist
When managing soybean production in no-till conditions, growers need to consider several management strategies, including variety selection, insect management, disease management, fertility management and weed management.
The benefits of cover crops continue to grow. Touted for conserving soil while filling forage needs, some plant varieties also have the potential to suppress soybean cyst nematode populations in no-till fields.
Now's a great time to head out to your no-till fields and scout for weeds, insects and other pests. Many of you will be putting on your second pass of herbicides and/or applying a second pass where it turned out that the one-pass weed control system wasn’t adequate.
Those number on your glyphosate bill are going to look a lot larger. In fact, glyphosate prices have doubled from a year ago, and could perhaps triple in some cases.
Just because herbicide-tolerant crops now dominate the majority of acres in the Midwest does not mean that crop protection manufacturers are bowing out of the new herbicides race. In fact, many are adapting their portfolios to the way that growers prefer to control weeds today, particularly in corn.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, longtime no-tiller Jim Leverich explains why 20-inch corn rows are paying off big time on his Sparta, Wis., farm.
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