New Crop Protection Tools For 2020 Growing Season

Unique chemistries to target resistant weeds and products to fight sucking insects and soil-born pests highlight new choices for no-till and conventional growers alike in new registrations for the coming year.

The 2020 growing season will include a number of new crop protection products and systems aimed at battling weeds, insects and soil-borne pathogens.

The new herbicides feature unique sites of action for increased control of tough resistant weeds in various management scenarios for both small grain and row-crop producers, and there are a number of new seed treatments available to improve germination and early-season stands.

No-Till Farmer editors offer the following list of new products registered for the 2020 season and remind growers to always check for their specific state regulations regarding the use of any crop protection products:

Weed Control


Wheat growers have a new post-emergence weed control tool available for 2020 in Corteva Agriscience’s Pixxaro EC herbicide aimed at control of challenging weeds such as kochia and marestail.

Pixxaro features Arylex and the proven fluroxypyr molecule for additional effective control of broadleaf weeds such as wild buckwheat, redroot pigweed, henbit, chickweed and common lambsquarter.

Jeff Ellis, Corteva Agriscience marketing development specialist, says the combination of Arylex and fluroxypyr provides a unique control of broadleaf weeds unlike any other of the Group 4 chemistries.

“Wheat growers fought kochia and marestail in 2019, so the availability of Pixxaro EC as a tank-mix partner will provide them with a great rotational flexibility for the 2020 season,” he explains.

Pixxaro EC is registered for control of annual broadleaf weeds in wheat (including durum), barley and triticale. The product is most effective when weeds are small and actively growing, and when wheat is…

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Dan Crummett

Dan Crummett has more than 40 years in regional and national agricultural journalism including editing state farm magazines, web-based machinery reporting and has a long-term interest in no-till and conservation tillage. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from Oklahoma State University.

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