GREEN GROWTH. Living plants support the microbes that create well-structured, friable topsoil with high nutrient status and high water-holding capacity that produce better crops and human health, says Australian soils ecologist Christine Jones.

Putting Quorum Sensing to Work in Your No-Tilled Soils

No-tillers must embrace diversity in plants and soil microbes to unlock the power of quorum sensing, improve ag production and deal with climate change, says Christine Jones.


If you've ever been to a meeting that requires a quorum — a minimum number of representatives attending in order to make a decision, you’re on the way to understanding  “quorum sensing” as it relates to soil health.

In the soil microbial world, quorum sensing refers to density-dependent, collaborative behavior — in other words, microbes are going to get their act together and make a collective decision, like fix nitrogen for a plant, when there’s enough of them.

“When there’s not enough to form a quorum, nothing happens. When there are enough to form a quorum, microbes are able to change the expression of genes in their own populations as well as in plants, animals and humans,” says Australian soils ecologist Christine Jones, during a presentation at the 2019 No-Till on the Plains Winter Conference in Wichita, Kan.

Jones has been studying quorum sensing in the soil microbiome, a process that enables multi-species crops and pastures to function more effectively than monocultures. She believes quorum sensing will become key to harnessing the power of microbes to produce more nutrient-dense food and improve water retention in soils, making them more resilient and productive.



  • Virulence and pathogenicity in bacteria, fungi and viruses is density dependent. Auto-inducers produce a chemical signal letting the microbes know they’ve reached a “quorum” and can change gene expression.
  • Changing the soil microbiome around plant roots can switch on genes that were previously unknown and improve plant resilience, productivity and nutrient density.
  • Encouraging plant diversity is…
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