Case IH is offering a 42-foot, 5-inch, five-section model of its True-Tandem 330 Turbo vertical-tillage unit.
Now available in a new, larger working width, the True-Tandem 330 Turbo vertical-tillage tool offers a unique ability to consistently level the seedbed and prep for planting with a true five-section design, says Rob Zemenchik, Case IH marketing manager, who adds that the larger vertical-tillage implement provides field-following capability in a five-section frame design.
"This machine follows ground contours better and transports narrower than other machines," Zemenchik says.
Case IH turbo blades use a patented design that moves soil up, over and out, leveling fields for later planting operations, Zemenchik says. The new larger configuration continues to feature 20-inch turbo blades for a greater capacity to take out weeds, shallow compaction and soil crusts.
And, at an operating speed of 7 to 9 mph with AFS AccuguideT Autoguidance, the 42-foot True-Tandem 330 Turbo can cover 1,000 acres in 24 hours at 90% field efficiency.
"Typically, only 0.4 to 0.5 gallons per acre of fuel are required, which is tremendously economical for fall residue management or spring seedbed preparation," Zemenchik notes. "The 330 Turbo is the only vertical tillage tool in the marketplace capable of leveling the soil with this kind of productivity. No one can touch it at these speeds."
Additionally, because the True-Tandem 330 Turbo disturbs less soil, maintains more residue and allows less erosion than traditional tillage practices, Zemenchik claims it is more environmentally sustainable.
Stronger walking tandems throughout the machine, including 16.5 x 16.1 FI (E) on the center section mainframe, distribute weight better over uneven ground and improve the machine's durability.
The design helps keep the blades in the ground consistently for a level soil profile, even operating at high speeds. A new adjustable castering gauge wheel on the outer wings hugs ground contours and helps maintain a uniform cutting depth, even in rough terrain.
For added durability, the new 42-foot model also features a bearing shield that stands up to the abuse of rocky and muddy conditions. The 25- and 34-foot sizes have a new round-bar basket option for bumpy, stony conditions or where soil needs more firming.