Crop protection companies have been busy gearing up for 2019 amid reports of continued incidents of weed resistance to both herbicides and insecticides.

Their new product roster for the coming season features various pre-mix formulations for greater field efficiency and multiple modes of action, along with the introduction of new chemicals and biologicals to fight soil-borne pests and diseases in the soil and on the seed.

No-Till Farmer editors have compiled a list of many of the new products that will become common names on farms across the country during the 2019 growing season.



FMC Corporation introduces Ethos 3D insecticide/fungicide, formulated specifically for the novel 3RIVE 3D in-furrow application system that converts traditional high-volume applications to low-volume applications through patented technologies. 

Ethos 3D insecticide/fungicide provides full spectrum seedling insect and disease protection for corn, soybeans, dry beans and peas. It combines bifenthrin insecticide with the biofungicide Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, that grows along with the root system to protect against damping off diseases including Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia. It also provides control of wireworms, grubs, seed corn maggots and corn rootworms.

Ethos 3D provides long-lasting residual action and does not move in the soil.


Force 6.5G is a high-load granular insecticide from Syngenta designed for growers who want a convenient control of corn rootworm and other soil-dwelling insect pests. This formulation goes farther and results in fewer stops to refill insecticide boxes for quicker, more efficient planting.

With the active ingredient Tefluthrin, Force 6.5G is registered for sweet corn, field corn, popcorn and seed corn, to control billbug, chinch bug, cutworm, Lesser cornstalk borer, Mexican corn rootworm, Northern corn rootworm, seedcorn beetle, seedcorn maggot, Western corn rootworm, White grubs and wireworms.

The Force 6.5G formulation provides significant benefits over Force 3G including 50% lower dust formulation and lighter bags that cover more acres.


BASF received EPA registration for its Inscalis insecticide in late October, 2018, providing growers with the active ingredient afidopyropen to control piercing-sucking pests — specifically aphids, whiteflies and Asian citrus psyllids in certain specialty crops and row crops.

Branded as Sefina, the new product is registered for use on citrus, cotton, curcubits, fruiting vegetables and soybeans.

The preparation provides fast onset of action to quickly stop feeding damage and pathogen transmission, and allows for longer harvest windows with no pollinator restrictions for bees or other beneficial insects. In addition, Sefina offers strong residual action and can be easily integrated into existing insect control programs.

Sefina represents the new mode of action subgroup 9D, and is available in a patented dispersable concentrate formulation. It maintains many benefits of an emulsifiable concentrate, along with many of the desirable qualities of a suspension concentrate.


Venerate XC is a new bio-insecticide from Marrone Bio Innovations which has shown control of corn rootworm over a three-year study as an in-furrow application and seed treatment. The active ingredient of the new product is the bacterium Burkholder rinojensis, which produces compounds that affect the growth and development of the pests.

Venerate XC works on contact and by ingestion, killing the pest when it molts. It has been tested against Diabrotica in locations where there was known resistance to single-traited and two-traited corn. In those trials, both seed-applied and in-furrow treatments of Venerate controlled the corn rootworms on traited and untraited corn as well as the in-furrow commercial chemical standard, and outperformed the traited corn which failed to control the pest.

The Burkholder microbe is now in many seed treatment stacks sold by various seed protection companies.



Axial Bold, from Syngenta, provides improved consistency and broad-spectrum control of top grass weeds for small grain producers. Featuring active ingredients pinoxaden and fenoxaprop, the new herbicide offers a wide application window for use in spring wheat, winter wheat and barley.

Axial Bold targets wild oat, yellow foxtail, Italian ryegrass, green foxtail and barnyardgrass, as well as canarygrass, volunteer oat, wild proso millet, windgrass and Persian darnel.

The new product offers an optimized formulation for combination with Talinor herbicide with increased compatibility when tank-mixed with broadleaf controls.

Axial Bold offers a lower use rate than Axial XL; from 16.4 fl oz/A to 15 fl oz/A.


A new herbicide from Arysta Lifescience offers wheat growers all-in-one weed control with three modes of action to combat herbicide resistance. The EPA has granted registration for Batalium Herbicide for use in spring, durham and winter wheats.

Batalium can be used in a variety of crop rotation programs for control of a wide array of broadleaf weeds such as common lambsquarters, wild buckwheat, wild mustard, pigweed, Russian thistle and shepherd’s purse. Batalium also provides quick knockdown and residual control of grasses, such as green and yellow foxtail, wild oats and others.

The newly-registered and tank-mixable herbicide features three distinct modes of action, in Groups 2, 4 and 6, making it a valuable resistance management tool. It is an advanced formulation of flucarbazone-sodium, fluroxypyr and bromoxynil.

Application is recommended to the crop from the 2-leaf stage up to 60 days before harvest on grass weeds from 1-4 leaf stage. Broadleaf applications should be made on weeds up to 4 inches tall. Winter wheat can be treated in fall or spring.



Lucento fungicide from FMC is a broad-spectrum premix preparation designed to control a range of yield-limiting foliar diseases, especially under heavy disease pressure, in corn, soybeans, peanuts, sugarbeets and wheat.

With two modes of action from Flutriafol and Bixafen, Lucento offers long-lasting residual disease control and curative activity. It can also be used to replace the burden on other important fungicides, such as strobilurins, as part of a disease resistance management plan.

Lucento also provides a weak attraction to clay and organic matter, which allows soil availability for root uptake.

The new fungicide targets the following diseases in corn: Gray leaf spot, Southern and Common corn rust, Northern and Southern corn leaf blight, Northern corn leaf spot, eyepot, Anthracnose leaf blight and tar spot. It is registered for leaf spot, stem rot and White mold in peanuts, and Frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot, and Cercospora leaf blight in soybeans.


Syngenta’s new Miravis Ace fungicide with active ingredients pydiflumetofen (Adepidyn) and propiconazole offers improved potency and residual disease control in wheat that allows applications as early as 50% head emergence, giving growers more time to plan and manage small grain diseases.

Adepidyn is Sygenta’s third new fungicide in as many years and features improved potency within the carboxamide class of chemistry. The active ingredient will be offered throughout a wide range of crops through five distinct product brands.

Miravis Ace is targeted at tiller and main head protection through control of Fusarium head scab and Septoria leaf spot by creating a reservoir of product within the wax layer of the leaf that withstands rain and environmental degradation.


Corn and soybean producers have new disease-fighting chemistry in hand with Syngenta’s Miravis Neo fungicide, which features the companay’s new active ingredient Adepidyn (pydiflumetofen) along with azoxystrobin and propiconazole.

Miravis Neo provides a broad-spectrum preventative and curative fungicide for the control of a wide range of diseases affecting corn and soybeans such as blights, spots, rusts and mildews.

The product remains viable longer in the field by building up in the plant’s waxy leaf layers – protected from rain and environmental conditions.


Specifically engineered for the needs of Southern soybean growers, Miravis Top is a combination of difenoconazole and Syngenta’s new Adepidyn fungicide, the first SDHI fungicide for soybeans with plant-health benefits.

Miravis Top provides a broad-spectrum range of control for a host of soybean diseases and combats resistance with two modes of action. In addition, the product accumulates in the plant’s waxy leaf layers to protect the foliage throughout the canopy, resulting in optimum photosynthesis and maximum pod fill.

The product targets a long list of blights, spots, rusts, mildews and Sudden Death Syndrome, as well as suppression of White mold.


BASF’s new Obvius Plus seed treatment features active ingredients Xemium, F500 and Metalaxyl and Thiophanate-methyl for protection against key soybean diseases such as Phytophthora, Pythium, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia.

While early-planting allows soybeans to intercept more sunlight for better photosynthesis, the practice also exposes newly-planted seeds to potential damage of fungal infections while the soil is still damp and cool.

The four-way mode of action afforded by the new product offers advantages by controlling stresses of  early-season planting conditions, resulting in faster, more dependable emergence and healthier plants.


Vault IP Plus seed treatment from BASF raises the bar for seed inoculants and root vigor with the only combined inoculant and EPA-registered biofungicide, containing two active biologicals for improved fungicidal activity and protection.

Registered for soybeans, Vault IP Plus offers a two-pronged advantage by suppressing Fusarium and Rhizoctonia and providing best-in-class nitrogen fixation on soybean roots.

The new product features a very low application rate of 1.1 fl oz/CWT for improved seed treatment handling.


An easy-to-apply one-jug solution of Vibrance Cinco offers corn growers a five-way fungicide protective seed treatment that protects against damping off decay, seed-borne fungi and head smut, soil-borne fungi, along with Fusarium, Penicillium, Pythium and Rhizoctonia.

The unique preparation from Syngenta offers five active ingredients, fludioxonil, mefenoxam, azoxystrobin, thiabendazole and sedaxane, for five modes of action for a consistent and comprehensive seed treatment that multiple-year independent studies have shown provides higher yields versus competitors.

Vibrance Cinco is registered for use on field corn, sweet corn, seed corn and popcorn.


This pre-mix of three fungicides from Syngenta has increased soybean plant stands by 87% against check plots in company field trials in 11 states, and features mefenoxam, fludioxonil and sedexane as active ingredients.

Vibrance Trio protects the genetic yield potential of soybeans by controlling all major early-season diseases such as Fusarium, Phytopthora, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, seedborne Phomopis and seedborne Sclerotinia – regardless of planting conditions. In addition, the combination is effective on damping off decay and seed and seedling blight and root rot.

The pre-mix formulation simplifies use through the planter, and increased yields in an eight-state Syngenta trial by 2.2 bu/A compared with check treatments in heavy disease environments.

Vibrance Trio is recommended for soybean growers whose main early-season concerns are strong stands and disease protection because of its high level of Phytophthora and Pythium protection.


See More on Crop Protection

Get additional insight on some recent crop protection products along with the latest innovations coming in 2019 by visiting the crop protection video library and the crop protection product roundup on