This page lists material that supplements the April 2017 issue of No-Till Farmer.

Tillage Practices for Corn and Soybeans

View two charts — one for corn and one for soybeans — that break down what percent of readers used no-till, strip-till, vertical tillage and minimum tillage in 2016 vs. 2015, for the whole study and by each region.

(Supplement to the article "More Acres, Crops No-Tilled in 2016" on Page 34.)

Additional Content on Yields

Read more information on the top-third corn and soybean yielders that we couldn't fit in print.

(Supplement to the article “No-Tillers Hit New Yield Records Across the Board” on Page 36.)

[Videos] Air Seeder Setup and Fertility Tips for Wheat

Watch videos about Darren and Jim Nelson's no-till operation, including their air seed setup and fertility tips for wheat.

(Supplement to the article “Fixing Nutrient Issues Helps Breed No-Till Success” on Page 58.)

David Hula's No-Till System

You can read more about David Hula's no-till system in the following articles:

(Supplement to the article “In Search of High-Yielding Corn” on Page 71.)

The Next Step in No-Till: Planting into Living Covers

Read more about how Jim Hershey no-tills into living cover crops in this article originally published in the Winter 2016 issue of Conservation Tillage Guide.

(Supplement to the article “9 Growers Spill Their Secrets for Planting into Cover Crops” on Page 79.)

Additional Insights from the No-Till Roundtable

View additional responses we received to our No-Till Roundtable question: What's the biggest no-till mistake you've made, and what did you learn from it?

(Supplement to the No-Till Roundtable on Page 162.)