Calmer Corn Heads." /> Calmer Corn Heads." /> 25 No-Till Living Legends

25 No-Till Living Legends

These highly talented folks have played a key role in no-till adoption.

As part of the 25th anniversary of the National No-Tillage Conference, the staff of No-Till Farmer honored 25 active individuals who have made no-till work and grow over the years.

These “No-Till Legends” include outstanding growers, educators and suppliers who have played a key role in the growth of no-till from 3.2 million acres in 1972 to nearly 100 million acres this year.

The 25 “No-Till Legends” were honored during the recent 25th annual National No-Tillage Conference held earlier this winter in St. Louis. Hailing from 15 states, they are listed here in alphabetical order.


Roy Applequist

◆ Roy Applequist, Salina, Kan. Establishing Great Plains Mfg. Co. in 1976, Applequist was among a number of short line farm equipment manufacturers in the early 1980s that saw the need for designing equipment specifically for the no-till market. The company was an active participant in Tennessee’s Milan No-Till Field Days, where a few drill manufacturers introduced narrow row prototype drills that had been designed specifically for no-till conditions.


John Aeschliman

◆ John Aeschliman, Colfax, Wash. Among the no-till pioneers in the Palouse area of eastern Washington, Aeschliman successfully no-tills some of the steepest hills found anywhere in the country. He and his son run a 4,000-acre operation that’s been no-tilled since the mid-1970s. They no-till winter wheat, spring wheat and spring barley in 7½-inch paired rows and also no-till corn, peas, sunflowers, garbanzo beans and are experimenting with cover crops in a 100% continuous no-till system.

Among the founders of the Pacific…

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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