Better Soils with the No-Till System

Productive agriculture depends on healthy soil. Soil is a living ecosystem that guarantees nutrients are made available in sufficient amounts during a plant’s life cycle and it holds water that is then available to plants. Viewing soil as a living ecosystems transforms the way we think about our relationship with soil and how to improve it in order to advance our agricultural production.

In this free publication from Penn State University, you’ll learn how you can protect this valuable resource through no-till and understand the 14 spokes to managing and improving soil health. The 27-page eGuide, written by Penn State soil scientist Sjoerd Duiker, agricultural resource conservationist Lisa Blazure and USDA-NRCS agronomist Joel Myers, provides detailed information on:

  • Why tillage and erosion are harmful to your soil
  • How no-till creates a positive environment to improve soil health
  • How to determine your soil quality
  • The importance of cover crops and crop rotation
  • How to manage carbon, nutrients, manure and pests
  • How to minimize and alleviate compaction in no-till
  • How to integrate crops and livestock into your agricultural production

After reading this free eGuide, you’ll understand how a successful no-till system that uses the 14 spokes of management principles and techniques can dramatically reduce erosion, increase soil quality and improve water quality compared to conventional tillage.


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