By Ignacio Ciampitti, Extension Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
Sorghum plants can compensate and adjust to diverse environmental conditions through modifications in the number of tillers, head size, and final seed weight. For sorghum, the final number of seeds per head is the plant component that varies the most; and thus has more room for adjustment than the other plant components (seed weight and number of tillers).
Some of the main planting practices affecting yields in sorghum are: row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity.
Seeding Rate, Plant Populations
Sorghum population recommendations range from a desired stand of 24,000 to 100,000 plants per acre depending on annual rainfall:
Because of sorghum’s ability to respond to the environment, final stands can vary at least 25 percent from the values listed above, depending on expected growing conditions, without significantly affecting yields.
Lower seeding rates minimize risk of crop failure in dry environments. Sorghum can compensate for good growing conditions by adding tillers and adjusting head size, but yields can be reduced in a dry year if populations are too high. For a high-yielding environment (>150 bu/acre), under narrow rows high plant populations can be a critical factor for improving sorghum yields.
Higher seeding rates also should be implemented when planting late. Increase rates by 20-25 percent if planting in mid-June or later. Late planting will restrict the time that the sorghum plants will have in the growing season for producing productive tillers, decreasing the capability of the plant to compensate for inadequate stands.

Recent research in Kansas has confirmed these long-term recommendations. In these studies, sorghum yields were maximized at 25,000 plants per acre (optimum between 20,000 to 30,000 plants per acre) in western Kansas at 17 inches annual precipitation; 40,000 in central Kansas at 30 inches annual precipitation; and 50,000 in eastern Kansas at 32 inches annual precipitation.
Studies in Missouri, with substantially more than 32 inches of annual precipitation, maximized yield with about 60,000 plants per acre. For western Kansas, final stands of about 20,000 to 30,000 plants per acre can attain yields of 60 to 80 bushels per acre or more. For central and eastern Kansas, final stands of 50,000 to 70,000 plants per acre can maximize yields, with the final objective of having 1 to 1.5 heads per plant.
Having more than the recommended number of plants per acre results in fewer fertile and productive tillers and thinner stems, which will reduce yield in the drier environments and increase susceptibility to drought. On the other extreme, thin stands can compensate for better-than-expected growing conditions somewhat by producing more and/or larger heads. But under high-yielding environments a higher final plant population will be needed to increase yields as much as possible (Table 1).
Planting Date
A summary of research information performed in the last several years has confirmed that the optimum planting date for maximizing yields will be around early June (Figure 1). Still, the decision related to the optimum planting date is complex and should be timed so plants have the best possible chance of avoiding hot, dry weather at the flowering stage, but can still have sufficient time to mature before the first frost.
Planting date has some effect on seeding rates. Sorghum tillers more readily in cool temperatures and less readily under warm conditions. As a result, later plantings in warmer weather should be on the high side of the recommended range of seeding rates for each environment since there will be less tillering. The potential for greater tillering with earlier planting dates makes sorghum yields generally more stable when planted in May and early June compared to late June or July plantings.

Figure 1. Planting date effect on final sorghum yields.
A new study was performed in Manhattan during 2014, and the results were similar to our previous research summary. Late-May and early-June planting times were more effective in producing fertile tillers and improving yields under diverse maturity groups.
Because of sorghum’s ability to respond to the environment, final stands can vary at least 25 percent from the values listed above, depending on expected growing conditions, without significantly affecting yields. Lower seeding rates minimize risk of crop failure in dry environments.
Sorghum can compensate for good growing conditions by adding tillers and adjusting head size, but yields can be reduced in a dry year if populations are too high. For a high-yielding environment (>150 bu/acre), under narrow rows high plant populations can be a critical factor for improving sorghum yields.
Higher seeding rates also should be implemented when planting late. Increase rates by 20-25 percent if planting in mid-June or later. Late planting will restrict the time that the sorghum plants will have in the growing season for producing productive tillers, decreasing the capability of the plant to compensate for inadequate stands.
Recent research in Kansas has confirmed these long-term recommendations. In these studies, sorghum yields were maximized at 25,000 plants per acre (optimum between 20,000 to 30,000 plants per acre) in western Kansas at 17 inches annual precipitation; 40,000 in central Kansas at 30 inches annual precipitation; and 50,000 in eastern Kansas at 32 inches annual precipitation.
Studies in Missouri, with substantially more than 32 inches of annual precipitation, maximized yield with about 60,000 plants per acre. For western Kansas, final stands of about 20,000 to 30,000 plants per acre can attain yields of 60 to 80 bushels per acre or more. For central and eastern Kansas, final stands of 50,000 to 70,000 plants per acre can maximize yields, with the final objective of having 1 to 1.5 heads per plant.
Having more than the recommended number of plants per acre results in fewer fertile and productive tillers and thinner stems, which will reduce yield in the drier environments and increase susceptibility to drought. On the other extreme, thin stands can compensate for better-than-expected growing conditions somewhat by producing more and/or larger heads. But under high-yielding environments a higher final plant population will be needed to increase yields as much as possible (Table 1).
Planting date
A summary of research information performed in the last several years has confirmed that the optimum planting date for maximizing yields will be around early June (Figure 1). Still, the decision related to the optimum planting date is complex and should be timed so plants have the best possible chance of avoiding hot, dry weather at the flowering stage, but can still have sufficient time to mature before the first frost.
Planting date has some effect on seeding rates. Sorghum tillers more readily in cool temperatures and less readily under warm conditions. As a result, later plantings in warmer weather should be on the high side of the recommended range of seeding rates for each environment since there will be less tillering. The potential for greater tillering with earlier planting dates makes sorghum yields generally more stable when planted in May and early June compared to late June or July plantings.

A new study was performed in Manhattan during 2014, and the results were similar to our previous research summary. Late-May and early-June planting times were more effective in producing fertile tillers and improving yields under diverse maturity groups.
Planting Depth
Seed placement is also a critical factor when planting sorghum. Optimum seed placement for sorghum is about 1-2 inches deep. Shallower or deeper planting depths can affect the time between planting and emergence, affecting early-season plant uniformity.
We recently conducted a planting depth study, using late-planting (about mid-June) under uniform soil temperatures) and three seed placements – shallow, 0.5 inch; optimum, 1.5 inches; and deep, 3-inches. Optimum and deep placement resulted in similar shoot growth while shallower placement resulted in delayed development with fewer number of leaves and less total shoot mass (Fig. 3).
Row Spacing
The other factor that can influence yield is row spacing. The last three columns in Table 1 show that plant spacing within the row becomes greater as row spacing decreases. This greater intra-row plant spacing reduces plant-plant competition early in the growing season when head number and head size are being determined.
A response to narrow row spacing is expected under superior growing environments, when water is a non-limiting factor. Narrow rows increase early light interception, provide faster canopy closure, reduce evaporation losses, can improve suppression of late-emerging weeds (a major issue in sorghum), and maximize yields.
The influence of row spacing on sorghum yield has not been entirely consistent in K-State tests. In a summary of experiments conducted in Kansas, the comparison between wide (30-inch) vs. narrow (15-inch) row spacing shows a close relationship, with an overall yield benefit of 4 bushels per acre in using narrow rows. In addition, narrow rows outyielded wide rows in 71 percent of all observations evaluated (Fig. 4).
A more consistent response to narrow rows was documented when yields were above 70 bushels per acre, increasing the likelihood of capturing higher yields when narrow spacing was employed. In summary, the potential for a positive yield response to narrow rows is greatest in high-yielding environments, but the response is not always consistent. Under low yielding environments, conventional (30-inch) wide row spacing is the best alternative.
Should populations be adjusted with narrow rows? Research results indicate that the population producing the greatest yield doesn’t change with different row spacings, but the magnitude of response to population potentially can be greater with narrower row spacings in high-yielding environments.
Planting date seems to have an interaction with row spacing. Over three years at the North Central Experiment Field, there was essentially no difference in yield between 15- and 30-inch rows for late-May plantings, but there was a 10-bushel yield advantage for 15-inch rows for late June plantings. A similar response was observed at Manhattan in 2009 when no difference in row spacing was observed for the May planting, but 10-inch rows had an 11-bushel/acre yield advantage over 30-inch rows with the June planting.
The opposite response was seen at Hutchinson in 2009 where narrow rows had a 6 bushel/acre yield advantage with a May planting date, but wide rows had a 6 bushel/acre yield advantage with a June planting date. In all cases, yields were less with the June planting, but the June plantings at Belleville and Manhattan averaged more than 115 bushels/acre, while yields at Hutchinson were less than 92 bushels/acre.
Hybrid Selection
The selection of sorghum hybrids should be based not only on maturity, but also in other traits such as resistance to pests, stalk strength, head exsertion, seeding vigor, and overall performance. The selection of a sorghum hybrid based on its maturity should be strictly related to the potential planting date, expected duration of the growing season, and the probability the hybrid will mature before the first freeze event. Shorter-season hybrids might be a better fit for late planting dates (mid-June to July depending on the regions); while a longer-season hybrid is recommended when planting time is early and the duration of the growing season is maximized.
For the summary of planting date information in Figure 1, hybrid maturity showed a very complex pattern across the diverse locations. Overall, longer-season hybrids showed a better yield at the mid-May planting time, but yields were less than 100 bushels per acre. For medium and short-season hybrids, the early June planting date produced yields of more than 100 bushels per acre. The goal is to plant a hybrid maturity at each particular site/environment (weather and soil type) so the plants can bloom in favorable conditions, and have adequate grain fill duration before the first fall freeze occurs.
- Determine your desired population based on average rainfall and expected growing conditions. There is no need to go overboard.
- Make sure you plant enough seed for your desired plant population. About 65-70 percent field germination is a good general rule to use.
- Think about using narrower row spacings to close the canopy sooner and potentially capture greater yields in yield environments of 70 bushels per acre or more.
- Planting data and hybrid selection are tied together, and are related to the conditions experienced by sorghum plants during the late summer. Think about this before deciding your planting time and selecting a hybrid.
For more information related to sorghum production and management, check the following link: