No-Till Odds And Ends

Part of the opportunity for me to recently present the “S.H. Phillips Distinguished Lecture In No-Till Agriculture” at the University of Kentucky was the chance to spend the day talking with faculty members and graduate students from around the world. Phillips was a pioneer in the early 1960s in getting no-till started on a commercial scale. And he would certainly be proud to know no-till has grown to an astounding 288 million acres today around the world.

While I was humbled to be asked to present this lecture, meeting with department members and graduate students was also a great experience. Here are a few no-till odds and ends discussed during the day.

1 While you hear many arguments about not being able to no-till continuous corn, Kentucky scientists have plots where no-till continuous corn has been grown for 40 years without any concerns.

2 When it comes to effective weed control, applying just 1pound of atrazine can do wonders in no-till fields. Too many no-tillers use no atrazine or only apply a half rate, that doesn’t control as many weeds.

3 In parts of Asia, farmers don’t leave residue on the soil surface with no-till, since they need to burn straw for cooking and heating.

4 Pop-up fertilizer is mainly used for aesthetic benefits — as a means of pleasing landlords in the spring and early summer with good-looking crops. Studies indicate pop-up fertilizer has little yield impact.

5 Argentine graduate students say 70% of the corn, soybeans and sunflowers…

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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