MYTH BUSTED. The soil temperature reading in Ryan Stockwellâ??s no-till, cover-cropped soybeans (left) taken July 23, compared to conventionally tilled ground with corn (right) taken the same day.

Busting The Colder, Wetter Myth: Year 2

Soil temperatures were 0.1 to 1.75 F warmer in this no-tiller’s field during spring and summer compared to a neighbor’s conventionally tilled field.

A Wisconsin no-tiller says his second year of onfarm testing found his no-tilled, cover-cropped fields are generally the same temperature or warmer than his neighbor’s conventionally tilled fields.

Ryan Stockwell, who no-tills corn, soybeans and winter wheat near Medford, Wis., first delved into the “colder, wetter” myth last year when he took some soil-temperature measurements in his no-tilled, cover-cropped field with winter wheat, and in a neighbor’s conventionally tilled field.

With similar precipitation, drainage, slopes and soil types, he found the temperature reading for his neighbor’s heavily tilled soil was 54 F, and his own no-tilled, cover-cropped field stood at 63 F.

Using Protocol

 He took tests a step further this year, using a protocol set by cover-crop expert Dave Robison and conservation specialist Dan Perkins of the Jasper County, Ind., Soil and Water Conservation District to take measurements.

Starting April 22, Stockwell took soil-temperature readings for several months at random locations at a 4-inch depth — both in his no-tilled field with a terminated radish cover and from his neighbor’s fall-tilled field. He also took readings from his grass-covered lawn to provide a baseline.

Based on tests taken between April 22 and July 1, Stockwell found the average temperature in his no-tilled fields was about 1 F higher than the tilled field and nearly identical to lawn measurements. No-tilled soils measured between 0.19 F to 1.45 F warmer on 9 of the 12 sampling dates.Tilled-soils.jpg

Not Colder, Wetter

 Stockwell admits there has been some previous research suggesting the opposite…

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John dobberstein2

John Dobberstein

John Dobberstein is the Senior Editor of No-Till Farmer, Strip-Till Farmer, and Cover Crop Strategies. He previously covered agriculture for the Tulsa World and worked for daily newspapers in Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Joseph, Mich. This is John's second stint with Lessiter Media, the previous lasting almost 13 years.


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