Bushels Of Information

Check out these discussion topics from out No-Till Farmer Web site: www.no-tillfarmer.com

One of the things that makes the National No-Tillage Conference so successful year after year are the no-tilling roundtables.

Here, veteran and rookie no-tillers gather to learn, exchange and bounce ideas off each other. The only problem is the roundtables only last for the duration of the conference, leaving no-tillers to fend for themselves for the remainder of the year.

Not anymore. With the launching of No-Till Farmer’s new Web site, www.no-tillfarmer.com, no-tillers can now discuss, argue and analyze different no-tilling ideas and methods 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, reaching hundreds, if not thousands of fellow no-tillers. In fact, the conversations are getting so good, we thought we would show you some of the good, free advice you can find only at www.no-tillfarmer.com.

Q: What is the best way to put on 28 percent nitrogen without working my soybean ground and not pulling a tank across the field? What are some options I can try?

—Doug Elliott, delliott@illicom.net

A: You can have nitrogen sprayed on before you plant. To prevent volitalization, add Agrotain, since this will stabilize it for 2 weeks. I’ve also heard of using ammonium biosulfate to protect nitrogen from volatility, but have not researched it.

—James Ash, ashfarm1@juno.com

Q: I’m interested in trying the CaseIH gauge wheels on my John Deere 750. Could someone post the part number for these tires? My CaseIH dealer is having a hard time finding what I need.

—Jon Hagen, hb64@westriv.com

A: The part number is #128633C1 and it…

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