When Saplings Invade Your No-Till Fields

Flor long time no-tillers, young trees sprouting up in fields can often be a problem. So how do you get rid of these invasive saplings?

One veteran no-tiller shared this recipe for getting rid of up to 1-year-old saplings: “Apply Roundup Ultra along with AMS, water and a drift controller to a Roundup Ready crop. With an ATV and 15-gallon tank, use a small spray boom and/or hand spray wand. Wear sunscreen and a hat and cook the saplings when the temperature is 70 to 80 degrees!”

“You can do the same in non Roundup Ready crops by wicking the taller saplings before the crop gets too tall,” says Ed Winkle, a no-tiller, crop scout and crop consultant from Blanchester, Ohio.

Winkle says Roundup Ultra has really cleaned up “woodier” no-till fields. He suggests spraying or wicking at high rates when it’s hot during the day and warm at night.

“When it gets below 60 degrees at night, Roundup Ultra does not work as well for me,” Winkle says. “That is why I prefer Gramoxone for burndown on early no-tilled crops.”

James Ash of Cornerbrook Enterprises in Decatur, Ill., uses Spike to control young trees. He places a handful of herbicide at the base of each sapling, then comes back after the tree is dead and cuts it off under the ground. “This works great for me. But if you have a lot of trees, it would be time consuming,” Ash says.

When Joe Hottel of Burkittsville, Va., rents a…

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