Is No-Tilled Ground Worth More?

With the introduction of our brand new No-Till Farmer Web site, we’re broadening the lines of communication with our readers. As a result, many no-till topics can now be discussed in-depth and online with other no-tillers around the country.

For example, Jim Owens of Lake City, Iowa, posed the following land sale question a few weeks ago:

“Do you think land that has been no-tilled for 20 years would have a dollar advantage over the same land not no-tilled if sold?

“In Calhoun County, Iowa, no-till has controlled 80 percent of the erosion with assorted Clarion, Webster, Wadena, Canisto and Nicollet soils and 2 to 7 percent slopes.”

Here’s what a selection of No-Till Farmer subscribers who replied online had to say about the land sale question.

Worth $450 More.

The land would be worth $450 per acre more to me if it has been in continuous no-till for that period of time. It’s worth that premium if the buyer is a farmer with experience at making money by no-tilling highly erodible hills.


Value Is There.

I’d be willing to give more for land that’s been no-tilled continuously for 20 years. But there might not be enough buyers out there that realize the extra value which this land has.


Forget Higher Prices.

In north central Iowa, I doubt that no-tilled land would be worth more than tilled ground. It would be bought, worked up and the no-till benefits would be quickly forgotten.

While there are not too many…

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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