Don’t Compromise Yield For Cheaper Fertilizer

While there are definite areas were you can scrimp and trim costs, cutting your fertilizer bill will probably bite you in the end if it lowers your yield even a little bit.

When it comes to today’s ag economy and farming, no one can argue the fact that times are tough.

As a result, many no-tillers are looking for new ways to cut costs. But if you’re even half considering cutting costs with fertilizer, take George Rehm’s advice: Forget it.

“I’m concerned about cost and production,” says the University of Minnesota soil scientist. “We’ve got a lot of challenges to face, and finding the most cost-efficient fertilizer use is a priority.”

Rehm doesn’t advocate going out and spending top dollar on the most expensive fertilizer program. But he does say that scrimping by with the hopes of getting the same yield without needed fertility is not the way to go.

“I’m not going to recommend anything that will decrease yield,” he explains. “We’re not in this thing for the short term. It’s a long term idea and some of these recommendations will cater to that.”

Know Your Costs

No-tillers, Rehm says, aren’t like most farmers. Instead of winging it as far as costs are concerned, most no-tillers can tell you how many dollars per acre they’re spending and what they can do about it. This is a benefit, as it’s the first step in deciding if your fertilizer program is working and what might be altered.

Nix The Crop Removal Program

While some no-tillers believe that simply replacing the nutrients used by the crop may be the best way to go, Rehm says it makes him a little nervous.

“If you simply…

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