Does Saving Money On Fertilizer Pay Off In The Long Run?

Aside from the valuable fertilizer discussion, the always popular topic of Keetons vs. Rebounders took center stage as well at

Can saving money now on fertilizer pay off down the road or are you better off spending a little extra money to see better results in your no-tilled fields? No-tillers from around the country recently shared their experiences with using both less and more expensive fertilizers on the No-Till Farmer Web site’s No-Till Online forum.

Along with that topic, no-tillers continued the heated debate about the pros and cons of using Keetons vs. Rebounders with no-till planters and drills.

If you are looking for answers to your own no-tilling concerns or are interested in helping out your fellow farmer, log on to and check out the Farmer’s Forum message board. It’s a place for no-tillers to go, 24 hours a day, to discuss their livelihood and how to improve their no-tilling operation.

Is Less Worth More? The new low-salt fertilizers are compatible with most corn hybrids, but is the ortho phosphate package really worth the extra money? I’m considering applying 3 gallons per acre of 10-34-0 instead of the more expensive fertilizer. Is this a mistake?

—Mike Bell,

To be up front with you, I’m an Alpine dealer in Ontario. Here in Ontario we have 18 years and 300 plots of research comparing 6-24-6 vs. 10-34-0 with more than a 6-bushel advantage for the former.

Since the 6-24-6 is 80 percent ortho, it’s actually cheaper than a 100 percent ortho product. Our research also indicates better yields with this product than with any of the 100 percent products.

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