Planter Adjustments, Interseeding Keep No-Tillers Busy

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Turning your original no-till planter into something that better fits your specific cropping needs was a hot topic on the No-Till Farmer Farmer’s Forum message board recently. Also, veteran no-tillers hit the keyboards to voice their opinions about one farmer’s interseeding concerns and another no-tiller’s questions about his White 5100 planter.

With a new no-tilling season in bloom, don’t make a mistake in your fields because you didn’t ask a question that’s been eating away at you. Go to the Farmer’s Forum on this site and ask for advice from your fellow no-tillers. They’ll be glad to help you out and maybe you can return the favor sometime in the future.

Adjust Your Planter

Can I take a 6-row, 30-inch no-till planter and turn it into a 5-row, 30-inch planter? If so, what process should I follow?

—S.L. Brady

The no-till planter units can be easily removed. To start, loosen two U-bolts and slide off the hex-drive shaft. You won’t be able to move the wheels from side-to-side because they are in a fixed position. There’s also a gearbox that’s going to be in your way.

I’m attempting to build a 5-row, 30-inch planter out of a 4-row, 38-inch planter and the center gearbox gets in the way. So, I’m going to have to do some cutting and welding to move the wheels closer together in order to turn it into a 5-row, 30-inch planter.

—Gerald J.

You won’t be able to turn your no-till planter into a 5-row, 30-inch…

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