No-Till Farmer
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It's not that you're computer illiterate. You have a computer and Internet access, and you know how to navigate your way around the Web to find pertinent no-tilling information.
But if there was just an easy way to display pictures of your family farm, ask others for advice on crop, weed, insect and disease problems in your no-till fields and just for fun, maybe add a snapshot or two of your grandchildren – you’d really consider your computer to be another important piece of no-tilling equipment that you own.
Many no-tillers say a Web site will quickly pay for itself when you can send photos to other no-tillers and seek their ideas on what went wrong in a field. It’s still another valuable way of having other farmers located all around the country help scout your no-till fields for problems.
Sure, you’ve heard about how some of your neighbors have built their own Web pages, but that seems like a giant project that you just don’t have time for right now. Have no fear – Rich and Marcy Little, no-tillers from Eaton, Ohio, say it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to create a Web page. They shared their experiences with attentive no-tillers at last winter’s 11th annual National No-Tillage Conference in Indianapolis, Ind.
Rich Little says the first thing you need to do before building your own Web page is to determine why you want one. He explains that no-tillers have three choices: