New Ways for Handling No-Till Corn Weeds And Resistance Worries

With fewer new herbicides coming on the market each year, no-tillers are paying much closer attention to developing more effective weed-management plans. As a result, no-tillers are intently studying how various herbicide and tankmix combinations perform in their fields.

Four industry representatives who spoke on weed control in no-tilled corn at the recent National No-Tillage Conference offered distinct ideas for the coming year. They included:

  • Dane Bowers, a technical support representative for Syngenta Crop Protection from Kokomo, Ind.
  • David Lamore, a senior technical service representative with Bayer CropScience at Bryan, Ohio.
  • Barry Nash, a technology development manager with Monsanto at Plainfield, Ind.
  • Bruce Maddy, a customer agronomist for corn herbicides with Dow AgroSciences at Noblesville, Ind.

Plan For Weed Resistance

Bowers says no-tillers need to think seriously about keeping glyphosate-resistant problems from developing on their farms. “Syngenta’s recommendations are not to use more than two glyphosate applications on any given field in one year during a 2-year period,” he says. “In the year following, you should rotate away from glyphosate and use other herbicide products. This means no-tilling both Roundup Ready soybeans and Roundup Ready corn back to back is not desirable from a resistance management standpoint.”

While the Roundup Ready system is a good program, he maintains that you need to choose whether a no-tilled Roundup Ready corn or Roundup Ready soybean system best fits your farm. One way for no-tillers to strive to prevent resistance is to rotate chemistries, such as using Gramoxone Max as a burndown herbicide…

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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