Just One Step At A Time!

The winning entry from a Georgia college student in the Phoenix Rotary Equipment Ltd. conservation tillage essay contest explains how her three-generation family dealt with the controversial idea of strip-tilling.

In homes all across america, casual conversations to heated discussions are held about such issues as Democrats or Republicans, right wing or left wing, college football and professional baseball. But not in my house.

Oh, we converse about those topics and each of us believes that we could solve the worlds’ problems when we are through, but the debates in my home are saved for more important issues, such as traditional cultivation and planting vs. conservational strip-till planting.

We own and operate a family farm, with “family” being the main focus. With all of the wonderful traits that many generations working together brings, so comes the sheer respect and honor of my elders. Therefore, many “yes sirs” and “OK, Granddaddy” are heard. Not many things are questioned that come from my granddaddy.

Enter The Debate Sessions At Our House!

My granddaddy has farmed all of his life and has always done it his way — the tried and true traditional form of cultivation. He wants his land harrowed until, and I quote, “Not a stick of green is showing.” Then he likes his peanut ground bottom plowed and harrowed again and again.

My daddy, however, contemplated strip-tilling the majority of his peanuts. When he first broached the idea with Granddaddy, you would have thought he had grown his hair to his waist and started piercing various body parts. Just what was he thinking?

Daddy did the research and sought out the proof that strip-tilling actually saved time and money yet…

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