WHIPPING COLD, WET SOILS. Charlie Hammer uses this home-built spring strip-till toolbar to work up an 8-inch-wide strip to quickly air out the ground before no-tilling corn a half day later.

Our Soil, Our Life

No-tilling helps this Wisconsin couple improve soil quality and preserve it for future generations.

While most Corn Belt no-tillers grow only corn and soybeans, Charlie Hammer prefers a three-way rotation. The operator of Hammer & Kavazanjian Farms with his wife Nancy Kavazanjian at Beaver Dam, Wis., prefers a no-till rotation evenly split between corn, soybeans and wheat in the farm’s 2,300-acre operation.

“Adding wheat in the no-till rotation reduces crop stress in the summer months,” he says. “Wheat definitely helps you solve the concerns of having only a two-crop no-till rotation.”

Bill Stangel has served as the farm’s crop consultant for 14 years. “Brown stem rot is a good example of what a longer rotation can do for disease control,” he says “It’s been a problem with soybeans on this farm, and adding no-tilled wheat to the rotation has played a key role in helping control this costly disease.”

But an even split between these three crops doesn’t always occur. In 2005, the farm harvested 1,040 acres of no-tilled corn, 700 acres of soybeans and only 290 acres of wheat. Some 390 acres of wheat was winter killed and this ground was no-tilled to corn last spring.

“We’ll do more corn on corn this year to get back into the proper three-crop no-till rotation,” says Hammer.

“In 1982, Charlie jumped into no-till with both feet and was looking at ways to refine everything,” says Stangel. “By 1986, new equipment became available to really make no-till work, and Charlie and Nancy soon made a real push for improving soil quality. Increasing organic matter with no-till…

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.

Contact: lessitef@lesspub.com

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