Dawn Equipment, an Illinois-based manufacturer of products for precision farming and reduced-tillage agriculture, is pleased to announce the formation of a new division: DawnBIOLOGIC.
This exciting division is devoted specifically to developing mechanical products aligned with the broader soil health movement. The family of DawnBIOLOGIC products will offer farmers a simplified means of adopting agronomic practices involving high levels of biodiversity and cover crops.
These products will give the grower interested in cover crops a comprehensive toolkit including for processes including: high residue cash crop planting, precision fertilizer injection, cover crop stand establishment, cover crop termination, and strip tillage. The goal of DawnBIOLOGIC is to help bring sustainable farming practices from the experimental phase into the mainstream.
To accomplish this goal, DawnBIOLOGIC will not be making equipment bigger than 6 rows wide to start. We will focus on taking a systematic approach to cover crops, and not scaling too soon.
DawnBIOLOGIC is founded on a belief that the most effective mechanism through which sustainable farming can be promoted is to make it simpler from a management perspective, and to make it more profitable for farmers.
The first examples of these products will appear at the 2014 National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville. For spring 2014 we will be working with a core group of farmers who will not only do field trials with the system, but will also act as brand ambassadors and test engineers. Another hallmark of the DawnBIOLOGIC brand will be its focus on iterative design using advanced manufacturing, and a collaborative approach with experts in the field.
DawnBIOLOGIC products will go on sale in the third quarter of 2014.