Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. petitioned APHIS for a determination of nonregulated status for their GE corn event DP-32138-1 in 2008. APHIS prepared a plant pest risk assessment (PPRA) as required by the Plant Protection Act and an environmental assessment (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
On Jan. 5, 2011, both documents and Pioneer's petition were made available for public review and comment, and APHIS received a total of 52 comments from various groups and individuals.
APHIS determined that the corn is unlikely to pose a plant pest risk. The finding is based on the agency's analysis of field and laboratory data submitted by Pioneer, references provided in the petition, peer-reviewed publications, information analyzed in the EA, the PPRA and its review of the comments provided by the public. The corn is therefore no longer subject to APHIS regulations.