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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, planter expert Clay Scott gives no-tillers 5 action items to tackle before taking the field this spring. The Precision Planting field support specialist also explains why he tells farmers to plant no more than 10 acres on the first day of planting season.

Walnut, Ill., strip-tiller Alan Madison steps into the Farmer Feature spotlight and shares his keys to high yields and healthy soils.

In the Cover Crop Connection, Greensburg, Ind., no-tillers Roger and Nick Wenning explained how they started planting cover crops before most people even knew what a cover crop was.

Later in the episode, Bryan Young, professor of weed science at Purdue University, shares how no-tillers can diversify their weed management toolbox for better success against herbicide-resistant weeds. And in the Video of the Week, Environmental Tillage Systems unveils its new Cover Crop Applicator.

Watch the Episode Here

SOURCE®️ by Sound Agriculture

The Conservation Ag Update Podcast is brought to you by Sound Agriculture.

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Sound Agriculture delivers bioinspired solutions that enrich soil and improve crops. Our synergistic products empower growers to achieve success while minimizing environmental impact.

SOURCE® activates the soil microbiome, unlocking nutrients for crops through advanced chemistry. BLUEPRINT™ offers the highest-quality arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), extending root systems to improve nutrient and water access.

Beyond our products, Sound leads the way with programs that support growers in adopting sustainable practices to reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers while maintaining productivity and profitability.


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