The ForGround by Bayer team and Dr. Alejandro Plastina, Director of the Rural Farm Finance and Policy Analysis Center at the University of Missouri, share an informative presentation on the farm income outlook for 2025 and the potential revenue that can be earned through the rapidly growing carbon industry.

Plastina discusses the income outlook for 2025 and the uncertainties around those projections. The team at ForGround also provide an overview of the carbon industry and reveal how attendees can earn revenue through the Bayer Carbon Program — and why now is the best time to enroll.

This webinar is brought to you by ForGround by Bayer.

ForGround is part of Bayer’s commitment to scaling the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. Adopting practices such as no-till, strip-till or cover-crops can support soil health and help protect and strengthen farmland for the future generations. The Bayer Carbon Program is part of ForGround by Bayer.

Email John at No-Till Farmer with any questions about the webinar.

About the Speakers

Dr. Alejandro PlastinaDr. Alejandro Plastina is the Director of the Rural and Farm Finance Policy Analysis Center (RaFF) at the University of Columbia-Missouri. His area of specialization is agricultural production and technology, with an emphasis on farm business and financial management. He has received multiple awards, including the 2023 Iowa State University (ISU) ANR Extension Team Award, the 2023 Outstanding Choices Magazine Article Award from the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, and the 2021 Farm Foundation Agricultural Economics Fellowship. 

Dr. Austin Omer is a Sustainable Systems Agronomist for ForGround by Bayer. Originally from Quincy, IL, Austin attended Illinois State University and holds a bachelor’s degree in biology, a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science, and a master’s degree in agricultural science. In 2017, he finished his Ph.D. at Mississippi State University which researched conservation practices aimed at preventing nutrient loss from agricultural landscapes and providing surface water for irrigation. He has also been the Associate Director of Natural Resource Policy in the Governmental Affairs and Commodities Division for the Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB), Hydrologist for Weyerhaeuser Company, and worked in research and extension at Mississippi State University.