BW Fusion has studied the impact of biological crop nutrition products on soil health and fertility for more than three decades. Through this research, we’ve seen the benefits of biologicals firsthand.

In many case studies, we’ve seen growers drastically reduce their input costs through the use of BW Fusion biologicals. Some growers have even completely eradicated traditional fertilizer applications of certain nutrients. Plus, growers can count on tremendous ROI from biological crop nutrition products.

As you finalize your fall fertilizer choices, consider how you can maximize your soil fertility — and your fertility dollars — with biological crop nutrition products.


1. Nutrient Navigation

Biological crop nutrition products provide nutrients that are available for the plant and soil right away. The microorganisms in biologicals go right to the root of the seed and are less likely to evaporate or wash away with rain.

2. Streamlined Application

Biologicals also have built-in cost savings in their application process. With biologicals, you can apply multiple products at once, saving you passes through the field and the fuel to make those passes. As fuel prices are higher, this serves as a plus when looking at operational costs. Plus, you’ll save time with fewer application passes needed.

3. Building Blocks of Soil Health

Not only do biologicals create nutrients for crops and the soil, but they also create more organic matter. For many of our Midwest states, the more flat and windy landscape can take a toll on land, especially the topsoil. Biological crop nutrition products help build topsoil up again, resulting in a crop that has access to additional nutrients — an impact you’ll see in its overall performance.

After you’ve decided to invest in biological crop nutrition for the upcoming season, there’s still another decision to be made. What products should you apply? Here are our top three recommendations:

  • Biocast MAX: We call Biocast MAX the powerhouse because there’s not much this product doesn’t do. Biocast MAX uses microbes specifically selected for their carbon cycling and nutrient solubilization capabilities. These microbes capture necessary plant nutrients that exist within our atmosphere and soil and convert them into nutrients that are readily available for plant uptake.

If you’re curious about how biologicals could change your fertility management strategy for the better, take a look at this case study or give us a call at (515) 552-7182.

*4-Year Trial with BW Fusion Biologicals Proves Positive Impact on P and K Availability (2023).