And let’s wrap things up with our Photos of the Week, coming to us this week from the Allison Organic Research and Demonstration Farm at Western Illinois University.
Lots of interesting stuff going on out there. This first one is Turkish okra. The middle zone was no-tilled into rolled peas.
They had a bad storm July 15, as you can see from this row of Wacther’s True Gold corn bent over just a few days later.
Here’s a look at medium red clover, sweet clover and Italian ryegrass established by frost seeding into SRW wheat.
And here’s a photo from Sumo oats harvest on July 19. The oats were drilled March 2 and then frost seeded the following day with red clover at a rate of 10 pounds per acre using a Herd broadcast seeder.
Watch the full version of this episode of Conservation Ag Update.