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Tissue sampling is one of those in-season tools that we can use to address small problems in the plant, but it also tells us what problems we're having in the soil. Foliar Scripts takes technology that Transparency Wise has put together to make a recommended rate based on tissue sampling.” 

Dan Fohrman, No-Tiller, Dover, Minn.

Dover, Minn., no-tillers Dan and Abby Fohrman raised a no-till yield of 298.95 bushels in 2023, securing them a first-place win in the National Corn Growers Association’s Minnesota no-till non-irrigated category last year.

In today’s episode of the podcast, brought to you by The Andersons’ Over Pass Lineup, contributing writer Laura Barrera talks with Dan Fohrman about his contest-winning corn yield and his approach to raising high-yield no-till corn.

If you want more advice on raising high-yield no-till corn, check out No-Till Farmer’s latest special report, Unlocking Your Corn’s Yield Potential.

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No-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by The UltraMate lineup from The Andersons.

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Introducing Andersons UltraMate lineup, the farmer's solution for boosting nutrient efficiency, environmental care, and crop profitability.

Derived from leonardite, this humate liquid transforms how you manage starters, sidedress, and more.

The UltraMate enhances plant uptake of N, P, and micronutrients, minimizing leaching and enhancing soil structure. It seamlessly integrates into liquid fertilizer, micronutrient, or pesticide blends across various pH levels, offering unmatched convenience.

Compatible with tank mixing and drip irrigation, it revolutionizes application methods, setting new standards in farming innovation. Say hello to UltraMate from The Andersons and goodbye to compromise.


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