No-Till Briefs: October 2023

No-Tillers Deserve Recognition for Sequestering Carbon

Saskatchewan no-tillers sequestered 12.8 million tons of carbon in 2020, the equivalent of taking 2.78 million cars off the road for a year, according to the Canadian government’s Sustainable Saskatchewan campaign. Despite this achievement, federal and provincial governments in Canada have taken credit for the carbon sequestration on prairie farmlands that transformed into net carbon sinks, while minimal credit was given to the farmers, according to an article in The Western Producer.

The article says the federal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Offset Credit System only qualifies no-till started after Jan. 1, 2017, for GHG credits. This means Canada’s early adopters of no-till aren’t eligible for credits, despite decades of carbon sequestration that has gone unmeasured and uncredited.

Shield Tires from No-Till Stubble

As seed companies breed for improved yield and standability, stronger stalks and stubble can do significant damage to tires, says James Tuschner. The tire manufacturer consultant recommends investing in stalk stompers to flatten residue, as these attachments cost less than replacing a set of premium farm tires.

Brad Harris at Firestone recommends installing new tires on equipment after harvest or planting season. “Giving tires extra time to sit before use allows processing waxes to migrate to the tire’s exterior,” Harris says. “As these waxes move, a tire will slightly harden by 1-2 points.”

One Crop’s Trash Is Another’s Treasure 

Researchers have calculated that every bushel of corn harvested produces 43.7 pounds of stover, while soybeans leave behind 78 pounds of residue per…

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