
The photo shows Stute’s late termination rye cover crop trial on the left compared to the control group of straight no-till with no cover crop on the right. The late termination resulted in 95% weed suppression. Photo by: Jim Stute

On-Farm Trials Show Cover Crops, Planting Green Can Suppress Weeds

Glyphosate-resistant weeds are suppressed by planting green, cover crop implementation and termination timing adjustment, according to on-farm trials.

Jim Stute, an independent research agronomist who has been studying cover crops for decades, conducted on-farm trials that suppressed glyphosate-resistant weeds by up to 95% by using cover crops and planting green

A native of southeastern Wisconsin, Stute first started studying cover crops in the late 1980s when he was a graduate student at UW-Madison. Since then, he has spent more than 30 years farming and conducting on-farm trials in East Troy, Wis., on the same land his father grew up on. He started using cover crops on his own farm in 1994 and has been continuous no-till since 2003.

“I drank the soil health Kool-Aid long ago,” Stute says. “I know I’ve got soil health. I know it’s doing a lot for my soil biology. But I want to get something additional out of my cover crops.” 

Initially, the appearance of glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed, waterhemp and marestail on his farm was alarming, but Stute saw it as an opportunity to test the ability of cover crops to suppress the weeds. He also knows that glyphosate-resistance is a growing problem. 

“In Wisconsin, we’ve been dealing with confirmed resistance in ragweed, waterhemp and marestail for the last 10-15 years, ” Stute says. “I guarantee we’ve had resistance or tolerance longer than that. It just had not been officially confirmed as resistance.”


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Compared to the control trial with no rye, Jim Stute’s planting green method (post termination) resulted in an average of 95% suppression in marestail population. The box

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Mackane Vogel

Mackane Vogel is the Associate Editor of Farm Equipment, No-Till Farmer, Cover Crop Strategies and other Lessiter Media publications. An avid writer for the last 10 years, he previously served as the editorial intern for 88Nine Radio Milwaukee and also wrote for several different sports journalism outlets before joining the Lessiter Media team in 2022. Mackane is a 2020 journalism graduate of Marquette University.


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