Another new closing wheel hits the market. Farm Shop LLC, founded by farmer Tony Wendler, has come on the scene with another option for no-till growers. His Germinator is billed as an innovative and modern closing wheel to replace the traditional rubber wheels.
Originally conceived for conventional tillage operations, Wendler states that no-tillers in Minnesota reported outstanding results on their no-till land, which spurred him to try no-till himself on his farm near Armstrong, Iowa.
The Germinator is useful in promoting the successful and consistent germination as well as the emergence of the seed. Made out of premium-grade steel, the Germinator reduces the risk of sidewall compaction, says Wendler. He notes that it’s suitable in all types of soil and tillage conditions, particularly heavy soil associated with no-till conditions. “It was fantastic in conventional tillage, but even better in no-till,” he says.
Wendler cites a study in which his patent pending “inner-rim-shoulder-