As you enter mid- to late April, the time is rightto search for slug eggs in no-till fields that have had previous problems, says Ohio State University entomologist Ron Hammond.
Although there are no thresholds available on how many eggs will lead to a slug problem in the spring, knowing that eggs are present in relative low or high numbers will allow no-tillers to better manage potential slug problems, Hammond says.
"If slug eggs are easy to find, those field should be planted as early as possible to allow for crop germination and early growth before slugs begin their heavier feeding," he says. "These fields will have a higher potential for problems."
Additionally, those fields should be monitored more closely after crop emergence for later slug feeding, Hammond says. If eggs are not present or in low numbers — assuming you are comfortable with your ability to find eggs — those fields probably have a lesser chance of problems and could be planted later.
Ohio State University has provided a video on its Agronomic Crops Insects Web page that is available through the C.O.R.N. newsletter. The video shows how to sample and what to look for.