
Applying Manure in Standing Crops Helps No-Tillers ‘Reel In’ Higher Yields

HOSE STAYS PUT. The Cadman Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) pulls up to half a mile of hose behind the applicator. When the CMA turns, the swivel arm swings to the side, allowing the hose to stay in the same row it was pulled out on, and the hose is re-wound onto the rig.

Pictured Above: THE REEL DEAL. The CMA Silver Series reel directs manure from the source to the applicator. The reel remains stationary as the applicator makes two passes in the field. The tractor pulling the reel then advances to make the next two passes

Applying manure to no-tilled fields can be a tough business, as it’s not always easy to do it without compacting or tearing up the ground. Rain patterns and new fertilizer application rules have also conspired to shorten the window of available days for manure to be applied.

But a family of no-tillers in southwestern Ohio has come up with a solution. David Alig and his brothers Greg and Rick, who no-till 1,800 acres of corn, soybeans, winter wheat and hay in Fort Recovery, Ohio, designed and built a machine that sidedresses liquid manure into standing corn and soybeans on 30-inch rows. 

The Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) is a reel and injector with a patented swivel arm that pulls the 5½-inch hard hose away from the rig and incorporates the manure with an applicator up to 62½ feet wide. Pulled by a tractor, the CMA carries up to a half mile of hose, eliminating the damage and soil compaction that comes with driving over the same path repeatedly when filling and refilling heavy tankers. 

The Aligs built the machine and have the patents on it, and Courtland, Ontario-based Cadman Power Equipment makes and distributes the rigs through its dealer network.

Newfangled Technology

Alig says the CMA enables…

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John dobberstein2

John Dobberstein

John Dobberstein is the Senior Editor of No-Till Farmer, Strip-Till Farmer, and Cover Crop Strategies. He previously covered agriculture for the Tulsa World and worked for daily newspapers in Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Joseph, Mich. This is John's second stint with Lessiter Media, the previous lasting almost 13 years.


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