Items Tagged with 'week'


Snowstorm Foils Travel Plans

It was with the best intentions that a few of us at the No-Till Farmer offices planned to drive down to Illinois this week to see no-tillers in action. We heard last week that some no-tillers might have been about halfway done with putting corn seed in the ground.
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Organic No-Tillers Find Suitable Markets For Their Crops

Several successful organic vegetable growers in southeastern states are combining the benefits of cover crops, reduced tillage and smart marketing. Here’s a brief look at two family operations that have been guided by the work of pioneering researchers such as Virginia Tech’s Ron Morse (see accompanying story). Both families are active participants in the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Work Group (SSAWG), a 12-state, non-profit organization.
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Celebrate National No-Tillage Week

Soil erosion is the longest-running environmental concern of farmers. However, for the greater urban population, environmental priorities are often diverted elsewhere. To recognize farmers such as yourself who work to “save the soil” and protect our environment, No-Till Farmer is sponsoring “National No-Tillage Week” from Aug. 9 to 15, 1998.
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