Items Tagged with 'break'


NNTC Brings Couple Together

Sandy Cox, a software trainer from Missouri, spotted Denny Roth, a no-tiller from Indiana, during a break in the meetings at the 1999 National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis. She complimented his cowboy hat; he asked her to dance. It was the beginning of the rest of their lives — together.
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Cover Crops, Freeze-Thaw Cycle Favored For Undoing Compaction

An online discussion finds that most no-tillers prefer not to rip their fields and would rather rely on more natural methods to restore the structure of their valuable soils.
No-tillers forced to work in wet fields this fall after heavy rains might want to know that most experienced no-tillers favor the freeze-thaw cycle and cover crops rather than tillage to break up compacted soil.
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Looking Down On Soil Life

What goes on in the top 2 inches of your no-tilled soil is especially important after the growing season.
When you walk across a no-till field, Jill Clapperton says you’re walking on the rooftop of a bustling community. No-tilled soils teem with life, and with the right management techniques, you can use these busy organisms to your benefit, says the the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada soil biologist stationed at the Lethbridge Research Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.
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