Jeff Olson isn’t afraid to step outside his comfort zone. A 5th-generation corn and soybean farmer in Winfield, Iowa, Olson attributes part of his willingness to take risks and try new things to his years of experience.
Findings from Beck’s Practical Farm Research indicate closing wheels, planting dates and application timing impact ROI for your no-till corn and soybeans.
Findings from Beck’s Practical Farm Research indicate closing wheels, planting dates and application timing impact ROI for your no-till corn and soybeans.
As no-tillers strive for higher yields, they're no-tilling earlier every year - often in cold soils that leave seed more vulnerable to insects and diseases. In colder soils, there's also less microbial action to break down nutrients and get them into a plant-available form.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
During the Sustainable Agriculture Summit in Minneapolis, Minn., Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, the president of Field to Market who also farms in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio, shared why it is important for no-tillers and strip-tillers to share their knowledge with other farmers.
Needham Ag understands the role of technology in making better use of limited resources within a specific environment by drawing on a wealth of global experience to overcome the challenges facing today's farmers, manufacturers and dealers.
The Andersons grows enduring relationships through extraordinary service, a deep knowledge of the market, and a knack for finding new ways to add value as we have done for nearly 70 years.