No-Till Farmer
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Brian Banks
No-tillers are tasked with making decisions each year to enhance production, improve sustainability and advance the bottom line. But when faced with stresses like low commodity prices, no-tillers are often tempted to view inputs like starter fertilizer as an expense rather than an investment.
In our next No-Till Farmer webinar, Brian Banks will explain how to capitalize on the benefits of fertilizer through proper placement and timing to maximize nutrient availability and provide nutrient balance in no-till soils. This webinar, scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 28, at 10 a.m. Central time, is sponsored by The Andersons & PureGrade Liquid Fertilizer.
The senior agronomist for The Andersons is a certified crop advisor and vice chair of the Research and Education Committee for the Fluid Fertilizer Foundation. Banks will cover the following topics:
Join us on Thursday, Jan. 28, at 10 a.m. Central time for this exclusive No-Till Farmer webinar. For more information, call Brian Banks of The Andersons at (402) 416-1271 or email him at