Articles by John Dobberstein


Recognizing Stalwarts in the No-Till, Soil Health Movement

The 24th class of No-Till Innovators have supported the adoption of cover crops, better nutrient management, improved soil health and timely, educational events and opportunities.
Three individuals and one organization are being recognized as the 24th class of No-Till Innovators for their commitment to the advancement of no-till farming systems in North America and worldwide.
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How No-Tillers Will Tweak Field Management After the Great Flood

After brutal planting conditions in 2019, many no-tillers are looking to shorter-season hybrids and varieties, faster planting, split ‘N’ applications, cover crops and more to adjust for 2020.
Most of the time, a dynamic no-till system can take a hefty punch from Mother Nature, with roots, residue and healthier soils providing some resiliency.
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Your Chance to No-Till Better in 2020

For many no-tillers, late December is not only a time to spend holiday cheer with family and friends, but also a time to reflect on how operations went on the farm this year. Hopefully most of you got your winter crops no-tilled and you’re thinking about what lies ahead for 2020.
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Even In Tough Times, No-Tillers Still Spending to Protect Yields

The percentage of growers applying insecticides and fungicides in cash crops, and overall spending on these crop protection products, continues to increase.
Although environmental pressures and concerns over soil health have caused some no-tillers to re-examine their use of insecticides and fungicides, data from the 11th annual No-Till Farmer Operational Benchmark Study shows use of these products isn’t necessarily decreasing.
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